Prof. Dr. Amdulla O. MEKHRABOV is a well-known scientist in the field of Modern Solid State Physics and Materials Science not only in the former Soviet Union, but also in the USA, European Countries, Japan and Turkey.
He was born in the Georgian Republic at April 15, 1952. Prof. A. Mekhrabov has graduated from Physics Department of Azerbaijan State University in 1974. He obtained his Doctor Science (1990) and Ph. D. (1978) degrees in Solid State Physics and Materials Science from Lomonosov Moscow State University. Amdulla O. Mekhrabov was a Professor of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey 1992-2023. Prior to that he worked as an Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., Full Prof. and Chairman of Physics Department at Azerbaijan State University, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic.
From February 2022, he has been working as a professor at Department of Metallurgy and Materials Technologies, from April 2023 as a chair of "Novel Materials and Nanotechnology" Scientific-Research Center and since October 2023 as a director of "Novel Materials and Nanotechnologies" Institute of Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU), Baku, Azerbaijan.
Prof. Dr. A. Mekhrabov worked also as Postdoctoral Researcher at Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering in the Tokyo University, Japan for 1 year (All-Soviet Union Visiting Researcher Award in Japan, 1984/1985) and as Visiting Fullbright Professor at Dept. of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering in the University of California at Santa Barbara, USA for 5 months (All-Soviet Union Lecturing and Research Award in USA, 1991/1992).
Prof. A. Mekhrabov is an author of more than 300 research works which are well-known in scientific public and has been published in leading international journals including “Acta Materialia”, “Metallurgical and Materials Transactions”, “Intermetallics”, “Scripta Materialia”, “Philosophical Magazine”, “J. of Alloys and Compounds”, “Acta Cryst.”, “Physica”, “Phys. Stat. Sol.”, “J. Phys. Chem. Sol.”, “J. Nuclear Materials”, “Fiz. Met. Metalloved.” and etc.
Major fields of his scientific interests are includes Solid State Physics, Alloy Design, Computational Materials Science, Metallic Bulk Amorphous and Nano crystalline Materials, Irradiation Effects on Materials, Hydrogen Storage Materials, Green Energy Materials and Systems, etc
Prof. Dr. A. Mekhrabov is a Fellow of Islamic World Academy of Sciences (2000) and Member of Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (1998).