David Bradley is Professor in Radiation and Medical Physics at the University of Surrey and is the Course Director of its MSc in Medical Physics. He has been Secretary of the International Radiation Physics Society (IRPS), Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier journals 'Applied Radiation and Isotopes' and ’Radiation Physics and Chemistry’ and a member of an Experts Steering Group of the IAEA for the project 'Strengthening Medical Physics through Education and Training'. A Fellow of the UK Institute of Physics and of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, in 2011, he was also elected as a Fellow of the Islamic World Academy of Sciences.
Dr Bradley is the author of over 200 publications and has made more than 100 presentations at conferences. Dr Bradley has active research interests in the fundamentals and applications of photon scattering, radioanalytical techniques for determination of trace element concentrations, radiological risks associated with Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM), the development of synchrotron techniques for characterisation of media, predominantly biological tissues, radiation effects on tissues, and development of silica based luminesence dosimeters. Research projects of current interest include: the localisation of Zn and Sr in synovial joints, the development of doped radiosensitive glass, the effects of ionizing radiation on extracellular matrix, and near-edge elastic photon scattering from dilute aqueous ions.